> How are you? fine? ok.
Not really, but thanks for asking

> I want to move a sprite on stage with Lingo. How?

One way is to create a behaviour on the sprite you want to move. This
behaviour sits there waiting for the command to move. When it gets that
command, it adds another behaviour to itself which actually moves the
sprite.  Something like this

-- Sprite Behaviour to receive the #mMoveTo command

property mySprite, myMoverScript, mySavedLoc, ancestor

on beginSprite me
  mySprite = sprite(me.spriteNum)
  myMoverScript = script("SpriteMover").rawnew()
  mySavedLoc = mySprite.loc
  ancestor = VOID

on mMoveTo me, pEndPoint, pTime
  -- pTime is the milliseconds allowed for the move
  mySavedLoc = mySprite.loc
  ancestor = myMoverScript.new(mySprite, #mAncestorCallBack, mySavedLoc,
pEndPoint, pTime)

on mAbortMove me, pReset
  ancestor = VOID
  if pReset then mySprite.loc = mySavedLoc

on mAncestorCallBack me
  ancestor = VOID
-- "SpriteMover" script that gets instantiated to actually move the sprite
property mySprite, mySpriteCallBack
property myStartPoint, myEndPoint, myVector
property myTimeAllowed, myStartTime

on new me, pSpriteInstance, pCallBack, pStartPoint, pEndPoint, pTime
  mySprite = pSpriteInstance
  mySpriteCallBack = pCallBack
  myStartPoint = pStartPoint
  myEndPoint = pEndPoint
  myVector = pEndPoint - pStartPoint
  myTimeAllowed = pTime
  myStartTime = the milliseconds
  return me

on prepareFrame me
  lapsedRatio = float(the milliseconds - myStartTime) / myTimeAllowed
  if abs(lapsedRatio) < 1 then
    mySprite.loc = myStartPoint + (lapsedRatio*myVector)
    mySprite.loc = myEndPoint
    call(mySpriteCallBack, mySprite)
  end if 

To trigger the move script, you'd have a handler like this somewhere

on mouseDown
  -- move the sprite to the point clicked
  sendAllSprites(#mMoveTo, the mouseLoc, 2000)

Note - these scripts do not use repeat loops, so they will be slower than if
you moved the sprite inside a repeat loop. However, by not using repeat
loops, the behaviour is a much better digital citizen since it will not try
and monopolise the cpu. Also, because its doing the moving on exitframe, the
higher the frame rate the smoother the animation (the animation is time
based, so it will always take the same amount of time to go from point A to
point B. If the frame rate is 999 fps, then it will move smoothly but still
take the same time to get there as if the frame rate is 10).


Luke Wigley
Multimedia Director/Producer
Mecca Medialight Pty Ltd

Mecca Medialight:                       Medialight Sound Studio:
111 Moor Street                         1 Bakehouse Lane
Fitzroy, Vic. 3065                      North Fitzroy, Vic. 3068
Tel +613 9416 2033                      Tel +613 9416 2033
Fax +613 9416 2055                      Fax +613 9416 2055


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