When it's all strung together like that, every last getPos call is
checked, even if the first one fails.
it would certainly be faster to have them be on separate if lines, that
way if it fails early, the rest of the code won't be run.

just a first thought.

--bhakti, with a carrot-powered mind

Kerry Thompson wrote:
> Ok, for a lazy Friday afternoon, here's some code I'm working on optimizing
> (D8):
>    -- Check to see if we have a card from each list and if they match
>    -- The first card can be from list 1 or 2; the second card can also be
> from list 1 or 2
>    if ((getPos(pList1, pBoard[pCard1]) > 0) AND (getPos(pList2,
> pBoard[pCard2]) > 0) AND \
>          (getPos(pList1, pBoard[pCard1]) = getPos(pList2, pBoard[pCard2])))
> OR \
>       ((getPos(pList2, pBoard[pCard1]) > 0) AND (getPos(pList1,
> pBoard[pCard2]) > 0) AND \
>          (getPos(pList2, pBoard[pCard1]) = getPos(pList1, pBoard[pCard2])))
> then --they are a match
> Yep, that's all one big bad boolean evaluation. What I'm doing:
> It's a synonym matching game. I start off with the synonym pairs in
> consecutive cast members, e.g., "bright" in member 1, "shiny" in member 2.
> I read the cast member numbers into two lists, pList1 and pList2, so that
> synonyms occupy the same position in the list. In the example above,
> pList1[1] = 1, pList2[1] = 2. Or, a more complete list would be pList1 =
> [1, 3, 5, 7, 9] and pList2 = [2, 4, 6, 8, 10].
> I then randomly place the list members in pBoard, so pBoard ends up with
> something like [4, 7, 1, 3, 9, 6...]
> The user clicks on any two sprites, whose member numbers I store into
> pCard1 and pCard2. I then check for a position match using the code at the
> beginning.
> I'm going to work on optimizing it this afternoon. In the meantime, I
> thought this would give some of you other high-power minds out there a
> little food for thought :-)
> By the way, a tip of the hat to Gary Rosenzweig, whose "memory" game from
> "Advanced Lingo for Games" inspired this.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
> Learning Network
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R. Bhakti Klein
Lingo Programmer, Scientific Learning
Baritone, Wicki6
"On Earth, you can only do little things;
but you can do them with a lot of Love."
                              -- Mother Theresa

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