Hi! Karina Steffens,
    It's really help me a lot. Thanks. But I did a little amendment here:

--the 12:00 AM should be 00:00 in international time

  tt=the last word of systime
  if (tt contains "A") or (tt contains "a") then
    if hour = 12 then
      hour = 0
    end if
  end if

--the 12:00 PM should be 12:00 in international time 
  if (tt contains "P") or (tt contains "p") then
    if  hour<13 then
       if hour=12 then
      end if
    end if
  end if

All the best.
>From: "Karina Steffens" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: <lingo-l> check my simple code.
>Date: Mon, Sep 25, 2000, 9:25 PM

>I've had to deal with international time issues myslef, so here's a code I
>developed that should parse the time correctly from whatever settings
>(hopefully) the user's machine might have. The "systime" returned is a 24
>hour clock: hh:mm
>Hope this helps you!
>on parseTime me
>  systime=the short time
>  --  systime="11:20 PM" -- You can test different time settings here
>  --just in case the time seperator is not ":",
>  --this checks for any kind of non-number as seperator,
>  --and sets the item delimiter to that number:
>  repeat with i=1 to 3
>    chr=systime.char[i]
>    if "0123456789" contains chr then
>      next repeat
>    else
>      the itemDelimiter=chr
>    end if
>  end repeat
>  hour=integer(systime.item[1])
>  tt=the last word of systime
>  --check if the time has a PM, pm, Pm or whatever and is less then 13
>  -- and also convert 12pm into 00:
>  if (tt contains "P") or (tt contains "p") then
>    if  hour<13 then
>      hour=hour+12
> if hour=24 then
>    hour=0
>      end if
>    end if
>  end if
>  hour=string(hour)
>  if hour.chars.count < 2 then
>    hour="0"&hour
>  end if
>  minute=systime.item[2].word[1]
>  systime=hour&":"&minute
>  --  put "systime="&systime
>  the itemDelimiter=","
>  return systime
>end parseTime
>Karina Steffens,
>Multimedia Designer/Programmer
>Martello Media Ltd.
>4 Islington Avenue
>Co. Dublin
>Tel: +353 1 2844668
>Fax: +353 1 2803195

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