Thanks for the info Rob,

Yes in fact I was using it on all 26 chars + 10 numbers + various other
keys so it was a bit of a pain. But such are the joys of working at the
cutting edge!!

My other current gripe about D8(Win) is this window focus issue which
means that e.g. the message window does not come to the front when you
hit CTRL-m, it can't be that difficult to get these basic things right
can it? I'm all for enhancing Director's functionality and would love to
see a good, solid implementation of a 3-d engine in D9 but please don't
let it be at the expense of these basics that were supposed to have been
fixed in D8 (remember that's D8 where MM were going to listen to the
developers concerns and concentrate on fixing all the bugs!) Grumble,
grumble - god i must be getting old, now where did i put my glasses...


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Robert Wingate [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
> Sent: Friday, September 29, 2000 11:32 AM
> Subject: RE: <lingo-l> getPropertyDescriptionList - spot the error!
> Hi Jon,
> > Script error: Incorrect behaviour initializer.
> > (Periods are not allowed in symbols)
> Nothing is wrong with your original behavior; that's why when 
> you rewrote it
> to a second one, the second one worked.  The original one 
> will still work as
> well.  Try clearing the behavior from all the sprites that 
> use it, then
> re-attach it.  It's a bit of a pain if you're using it on 
> lots of sprites -
> hope you're not using the full 26 letters.
> Director stores the values assigned to sprites via GPDL 
> separately from
> behavior property values that occur at runtime, since there's 
> no sprite
> instance at GPDL time.  The 'stored' GPDL props or values get lost or
> detached from their sprites occasionally, for whatever 
> fruit-loopy reason.
> Maybe James N, Bruce E, or anyone at MACR can tell us why.
> Again, to repair it, clear the sprite of behaviors and simply 
> re-attach it.
> Hope this helps,
> Rob
> /*********************************
> * Rob Wingate, Software Human    *
> *         *
> * mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] *
> *********************************/
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