At 05:01 PM 9/30/00 -0400, you wrote:
> > the workaround is to keep the PI open
>[ snip ]
> > Then all focus problems go away.
>Not for me, not even close.  I almost always have the PI open, and have to
>keep the Message window tucked in the corner.  I don't think I've maximized
>the (D8,Win2K) Message window once, but what the PI stayed on top of the
>Message window.  I'm trying to get myself into the habit now of closing the
>PI every time I need to zoom the Message window, then open the PI again when
>I'm done.

don't close the PI.  Keep it down on the bottom of the screen with only the 
menu bar showing.  If you close the PI at all, your windowing results will 


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