At 06:46 AM 10/6/00, sam wrote:
>Hello all,
>Another quick (probably stupid) question from the Elektonika crew -
>Is there anyway of importing images (for Shockwave use) that keep the JPG
>data they were imported with. You see the game we are making has 8 levels
>and the background graphics / animations (as animated gifs) amount to 500Kb+
>and that is before all other things are taken into consideration!! As jpgs
>and using filmloops each level would probably be about 40Kb.

For the most part, images imported as JPEG or GIF will retain their 
compression when you save as Shockwave or create a projector with Shockwave 
compression - IF you haven't edited the member in Director's paint window.

D8 offers some compression options during the publish process, too. Check 
the manuals for "Compressing bitmaps"

"JPEG and GIF Compression Support in Director 7"

I'm sure there are other technotes related to this issue. Try some searches 

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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