Hi folks--

Can I get a little testing help from Windows users? This shouldn't take 
more than a minute or so.

I've put up a Shockwave audio recorder at 

User: lingo-l
Pass: Tab666

You'll need a microphone on your PC--any cheapie will do.

The program allows you to record up to about 30 seconds of voice-quality 
audio (11/8/1). I'm getting a weird bug on it, though.

After you record, click the Play button. It should stay blue (the depressed 
state) while the audio is playing, and the status text should say 
"playing." You should also be able to stop the playback by clicking the 
Stop button. When the audio stops, the status text should say "stopped" and 
the play button should revert to its normal state.

It seems to work on some Windows machines, and not others. I'm using the 
Audio Xtra from UpdateStage. I've talked with Gretchen about the problem, 
and we think it's some weird audio driver bug.

Here's where it gets really weird. In a projector, it works fine. In a 
browser, it records and plays back just fine, but it reports the status as 
"stopped" even as it's playing, the Play button doesn't stay depressed, and 
you can't stop the playback.

Finally, the *really* weird part. In authoring mode, the playback stuff 
works when I put a couple of debug messages to the message window, but 
doesn't work when I comment out those two lines! I swear, there is no other 
difference other than the put. Here's the code in question:

global gSoundName
global gPlaySprite
global gPlaying
global gSoundLength

on exitFrame
   tempStatus = axGetStatus (gSoundName)
   if tempStatus <> "invalid"then
     if tempStatus <> "error" then
       currentSound = axGetSoundList(#all)
       if currentSound.count > 0 then
         --        currentPos = axGetSoundInfo (gSoundName, "position")
         currentPos = getProp(currentSound[1], #position)
       end if
--      put "currentSound: " & currentSound
--      put "currentPos: " & currentPos
       if currentPos > 0 then
         if currentPos < gSoundLength then
           tempStatus = "Playing"
         end if
       end if
       put tempStatus into member "Status Text"
       if gPlaying = TRUE then
         if tempStatus = "stopped" then
           sendSprite(gPlaySprite, #buttonUp)
           gPlaying = FALSE
         end if
       end if
     end if
   end if
   go the frame

I've put a copy of the projector up on the same site--just go to it without 
the recorder.html. It's big, though, so I don't advise downloading it 
unless you have a high-speed connection.

Thanks for your help--I'd like to know how many PCs have this problem.

Kerry Thompson
Learning Network

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