Yes, the 'do' command, of course!     I'd forgotten about that (at least
forgoten how it works)...

So I had a great idea... a handler for cleaning up unwanted globals when
leaving a movie.
Could be called for eg. from a pseudo-destructor routine.

But it doesn't work, and stupidly I deleted the earlier emails about 'do'...
can anybody put me on the right track please?

on killGlobals globalVarList
   repeat with varName in globalVarList

        myCommand = "global" && varName
        put myCommand
        do myCommand

        myCommand =  varName && "= VOID"
        put myCommand
        do myCommand

   end repeat

it's 'putting' the results i expect but seemingly not 'doing' what i want...
i expect it's sth to do with the global declaration?


icq:  16632533

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