Sorry for that partial reply--I accidentally hit the Send button.

Since nearly 6 months I am looking in
>France after an update of Director to version 5 or 6 and it's very difficult
>to find an update. In fact I do not have a Power PC

I sincerely wish I could help, but I simply don't know where you could buy 
a copy of 5 or 6, especially French. It would be difficult, even here in 
the U.S.

I honestly think your best approach is to purchase a PowerPC or 
Pentium-class PC, and use Director 8. Otherwise, you will have problems 
with Xtras, code compatibility, and a whole host of other issues.

>Of course, I agree to pay.

I understand; I hope I didn't sound too rude earlier.

>Can you tell me, too, if there are
>other XTRA compatible with my sofware version 4.02

I doubt you will be able to find these. Your software is about 5 years old, 
from the age when dinosaurs were roaming the Earth (like Windows 3.1). 
Again, I wish I could help, but I honestly believe your best hope is a 
rummage sale, or perhaps a computer museum (no, I'm not being facetious).

>Another problem: I download several examples of lingo by the mean of your
>Website but unfortunately they are not compatible with my system. Why ?

Probably because Lingo has changed a lot in the past 5 years.

By the way, I wish I could take credit for the code you downloaded, but I 
am only one minor contributor--many, many people contribute to the list far 
more than I.

>  I would like to make migrate an application written in Lingo 4.02 under Mac
>towards Window 95 , 98 , 2000, and NT. What software should me use ?.

Director 8.

>Shockwawe?. It is delivered normally with Director

Yes, Shockwave is part of Director 8.

>If you, or one of the members of New group wish to get
>himself  it, please , send I a 100,00 Francs check

This is to other members of the list who may not be familiar with French. 
Before you drop your jaw at the outlandish price, the comma is the decimal 
separator--M. Guyonnard is asking, in U.S. notation, 100 Francs, or about 

>(in that case add 50,00 francs

and that's about U.S.$6.50 (obvious American bias here).

Kerry Thompson
Learning Network

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