At 09:35 06.11.2000 -0600, Brett Wacha wrote:
>I am a rookie Lingo user and may have gotten in over my head.
>I would like to collect some information from text fields, write to a .txt,
>and email this through the users default email program.  I don't see a line
>of Lingo that finds the default email application (like "getNetPage" finds
>the default browser.)  Could somebody help me get started with this train of
>thought or something equal that might make more sense?!

Another mail already mentioned 2 valuable links, depending on the general 
setup of your appl the 2 below may or may not be of help.

is limited in scope to win32 - audience. I found this regKey to be working 
on nt4 and w2k, forgot if it worked on w95 and w98 but believe it did. 
Didn't test win ME at all.

is a well tested example of sending eMail from shockwave ( or director if 
user is online! ) via a cgi. It is simple, easy to adapt, looks crude and 
works if you have a *nix server at hand. It won't do attachments, though. 
(directMail does)

best regards

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