> >Hi - I have a director file with linked sound burned to a CD - someone
> >else is editing the sound in Sound Forge. The sound sounds fine in
> >director, in projector and in quicktime. In Sound forge it sounds like
> >one long squeak. What's more is 3 out of 5 CDs it does this ... then it
> >doesn't ... any suggestions?

 I'm not entirely sure quite why the sounds are different from one CD to
another - the only logical thing I can think of is that there are burning
errors ocurring. One thing I do know is that Director can be qute fussy
about sound - I think I'm right in saying that it will only accept 44.1khz,
22.05hkz and 11.025khz sounds with a bit depth of 16 or 8 bits. Bearing in
mind these things, I've never had any problems using WAVs as a file format-
they certainly seem more straightforward than all this talk of compression
codecs - I always find using uncompressed formats produces much better


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