hi guys,

i am working in D7 and i am having problems with rollover sprites appearing
on enterFrame when they shouldn't, giving them a flashing effect on frame

i have one main movie that connects to other movies via mouseUp commands
(these work fine)

in the subsequent movies, on frame entry,  i have a transition which in turn
moves to a scripted frame with rollovers......frame 1 transition, frame 2
script with rollover sprites - i have this process repeated within the
actual movies, and they work fine, but not when jumping between movies

this is my movie script for the subsequent movies
on startMovie
  repeat with channel = 128 to 150
    puppetSprite channel, 0
  end repeat

this is my script for my enterFrame
on enterFrame
  if rollover(128) then
    set the cursor of sprite 128 to 280
    set the visible of sprite 128 to TRUE
  else set the visible of sprite 128 to FALSE
........more if else etc,
on exitFrame
  go the frame

Is there a simplified script to do the same as my enterFrame script, but
without the rollover sprites flashing on enterFrame???

any advice would save my sanity and help me sleep!!!

thanks in advance

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