Hmmm, very nice solution... and there was I being all complicated as usual, thanks for 
the tip. Nice to know that I did at least spark a few of the right neurons.


On Fri, 08 Dec 2000 21:12:50 +0100 Emmanuel Brulavoine <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
>Hi Jonny,
>I have found a solution to access from director to a variable in a flash
>embeded in another flash :
>put getvariable(sprite 3, "_level2:myvar")
>put getvariable(sprite 3, "_level2/:myvar")
>(my embeded flash was is level 2 of my first flash)
>I use the level where the second flash is inserted and call this lingo
>script, and I have the result !
>> The first thing is to make sure the top level flash movie is not static,
>it has to loop around at least 2 frames in order for it to be updated with
>any values within the embedded movie... e.g
>>frame 1, script: embeddedVar = /embeddedMovie/:myVar
>>frame 2, script: gotoAndPlay(1)
>>where "embeddedMovie" is the instance name of your movie "anim2.swf".
>>This way whenever you change the value of the text variable in your
>embedded movie it will be reflected in the value of the variable in the top
>>then in Director you can simply retrieve the value from the top level
>flash >movie... e.g.
>Your solution was good but my first flash was static and it was too
>difficult to transform it at the last minute.
>Thank you very much for your help wich help to find the rigth way !
>Emmanuel Brulavoine

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