OK, serious brain-fade this morning.  I'm looking to do some text 
highlighting that should be very simple, but I just can't think it 
through today.

Director 8, text member ('cause the client wants nice looking 
anti-aliased text).

All I want to do is to allow the ability to click and drag over a 
text member and hilight the selected text.  This is intended to work 
exactly the same way as highlighting a section of text in a browser 
window.  Eventually I will add a "copy" function on this text (that's 
easy).  But I can't figure out how to highlight the selected portion 
of the text.

If this were a field member, I just set it to editable, and the 
functionality is built in.  Then I can get the selStart and the 
selEnd.  But if I just create an editable text member, put some text 
into it, put it on the stage, run the program, and click and drag the 
mouse to make a selection, nothing happens.  So, how do I 
continuously highlight the text selection as the user drags the mouse?


Lingo / Director / Shockwave development for all occasions.

        (Over two millions lines of Lingo code served!)

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