At 08:38 PM 12/16/00, "murtaza" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>how to view or collect data from dxr movies or files
>suppose i need images which are protected
>how do i collect them
>or view the scripts which he has used

The dxr files are protected Director files. The purpose for protecting them 
is to prevent others from doing exactly what you're asking - reverse 
engineering their project. I'm sure your clients wouldn't want their names 
associated with reverse engineering or piracy.

You could try to contact the original author & see if he will provide you 
with the original source files. If this happened within your own company 
then I hope it wasn't a great loss. Let it be a lesson in making 
multiple-version backups to prevent this from happening in the future.

Mark A. Boyd
Keep-On-Learnin' :)

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