Heh, I was being a little sarcastic there, though I
appreciate your testing tips.

As far as markers being read as numbers, I did some
tests and looked up the command in the Dictionary...

put marker("this")
-- 15
x = "this"
put marker(x)
-- 15

>From the lingo dictionary:
Function; returns the frame number of markers before or
after the current frame.

Basically, each marker name is a special kind of global
variable whose value is the frame number it occupies.

>go to marker ("xxxxx")

As far as using go to marker instead, I think it would
be a lot more modular (and therefore better, IMO) if
you kept it simple with "go frame param".  That way,
you could either send an integer or a string as the
parameter and get both of those functionalities from
one line of script, rather than only one or the other.


> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Kerry Thompson
> Sent: Friday, December 22, 2000 1:17 PM
> Subject: RE: <lingo-l> Double click tell stage ...
> >now i wonder which way is faster...i know it's xmas
> >weekend, but can we get some of those awesome testers
> >to run this command through its paces to see which
> >one is actually faster by a couple of microseconds?
> Steven, here's your chance to become an awesome tester--why don't you try
> it yourself? Here are some tips for testing on Windows.
> - Quit all other programs
> - Test a projector, not in the authoring environment
> - Use ctrl-alt-delete to kill all background tasks except
> Explorer and Systray
> I doubt it would make any difference, though, because the Lingo is
> tokenized for runtime. Words like "to" and "frame" are there
> mostly to make
> our code readable--they don't affect the runtime because they aren't
> included in the tokens.
> There might be a difference using a frame number--I don't know Director's
> guts well enough to know if it's smart enough to resolve a marker into a
> frame number.
> Cordially,
> Kerry Thompson
> Learning Network
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