I've created a rudimentary implementation of XML as a parent script. I don't
think it's anything spectacular, and I'm sure others have done it before.
It's not an XML parser (we'll leave that to the Xtra). Instead, it's an API
for creating and manipulating XML documents and their trees as child
objects. There are properties for tag names, attributes, data, nested
children, etc., etc. Then there's a single "formXML" method that returns
well-formed XML text for the entire document from the root node object.
I'd like to have someone familiar with XML and Lingo (I'm sure there are
millions of you here!) take a quick look at my example movie and scripts and
provide some feedback. I know my work is far from done, but I think it's
been "so far so good" up to this point. I just need someone else to review
it and tell me what I've overlooked, either from an XML standpoint or a
Lingo standpoint.
Reply on list or privately: [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Christopher Watson
Sr. Software Engineer
Lightspan, Inc.
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