>So, on each frame how can I count how many sprites are whithin channel 100
>to 150, then how can I count how many of those sprites loch is <200 using
>loch<200 to determine that the sprite have been eaten.

You should look at sendallsprites #message. Here's one easy approach:

in your exitframe script, say this:

global nodots

on exitframe
    set notdots = true
    sendallsprites #checkdot
    if notdots then go "next level"
    go the frame

Then in each dot sprite have this routine:

on checkdot
   global nodots
   if the loch of sprite the currentspritenum < 200 then set nodots = false

What happens is that each dot will check its own location to see if 
it's still on the screen, and if it is it sets the notdots global to 
false. If no single dot sets it to false, then all of the dots are 
off the screen, regardless of how many there were in the level to 
start with.

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