At 9:19 -0500 01_01_23, Patrick Griffiths wrote:
>Sorry, no class variables in Director. Since Director doesn't have any
>notion of encapsulation/data hidding (like C++ public, protected, private),
>then static variable don't really make sense because they degenerate into

Earlier I had written:

>The class pretty much corresponds to the script.
>You can access properties of the script as well as properties of 
>script instances, so properties of the script would correspond to 
>class variables.
>the script can be addressed from an instance (D8) like so:
>So a class variable could be addressed like so:

But apparently something in the transmission...

Anyway, below some code to illustrate my point, that you can easily 
make something quite similar to class variables:

----<score script: staticTestBhv>----
on beginSprite me
   put #init
   tList = []
   repeat with i = 1 to 4
   end repeat
   put #test
   call #mTest, tList
----</score script: staticTestBhv>----

----<parent script: staticClass>----
property pClass
property pClassTest
property pClassInstanceCount

on new me
   pClass = me.script
   if pClass.pClassTest.voidP then pClass.pClassTest = #static
   pClass.pClassInstanceCount = pClass.pClassInstanceCount + 1
   put #count, pClass.pClassInstanceCount
   return me

on mTest me
   put #count, pClass.pClassInstanceCount, #test, pClass.pClassTest
----</parent script: staticClass>----

-- Welcome to Director --
-- #init
-- #count 1
-- #count 2
-- #count 3
-- #count 4
-- #test
-- #count 4 #test #static
-- #count 4 #test #static
-- #count 4 #test #static
-- #count 4 #test #static


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