"Mark A. Boyd" schrieb:
> At 08:06 2/5/2001, Steven Frazier wrote:
> >Hi
> >      I can ask  director through lingo to paste the content of the
> > clipboard into a member 7 through lingo into a an external cast named
> > "externalcast" by the following script to a button..
> >
> >On MouseUp
> >       (member (7, "externalcast").pasteClipBoardInto( )
> >end
> >
> >But if I have a field named "membername" and the user filled this in, how
> >can this become the name of the member 7 ? Is there a lingo way to paste a
> >field content into the name of member?
> member("membername").name = member("membername").text
> >Part two of my needs here is to ask
> >Is there a lingo way to paste the clipboard contents into :
> >
> >1. a cast member not yet taken - a new blank spot in the cast window.
> >2.name that new member from the contents of a field.
> Indeed there is. Check out the new() command in the Lingo Dictionary. It
> allows you to create a new member of any type in any castLib. Then you can
> supply the name for the member as shown in the step above.
> newMem = new(#text, castLib "externalcast")
> newMem.pasteClipBoardInto( )

Mark, If I understood right, then Steven wants a different field, where
the user enters the name, therefore this line should be
newMem.name = myField.text

> newMem.name = newMem.text

> After the pasteClipBoardInto(), you may want to check the member's type -
> just in case the user had a bitmap or sound or something other than text in
> the clipboard.
> For the pasting stuff, I haven't experimented with the pastClipBoardInto()
> command, but I've had great success with Buddy API's baCopyText() to copy
> text into the clipboard. I would bet it's baPasteText() is just as
> reliable, although these commands only work with text. Then again, Lingo's
> commands may work fine, too - and they work with other media types than text.
> --
> Mark A. Boyd
> Keep-On-Learnin' :)
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