At 16:24 -0500 01_02_05, Lists wrote:
>I'm having a mental block. What's the easiest way to sort by 2 criteria
>That is, I need to sort a list of four players by how many answers to a
>quiz were correct.
>If any of the four players tie when considering correct answers, I need
>to then sort any players that tie by how fast they completed the quiz.

You can make a nested propList:

rankList:   [<-score>:[<time>:<player>]]

Then the winner is:

Just make sure that the "sorted" flag is set for all lists.

in pseudo:

rankList = [:]
repeat with player in playerList
   score = -player.score
   timeList = rankList.getAProp(score)
   if timeList.voidP then
     timeList = [:]
     rankList.addProp(score, timeList)
   end if
   timeList.addProp(player.time, player)
end repeat


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