On Thu, 8 Feb 2001 09:47:54 +1300 "Sean Wilson" 
Hi Sean and anyone else 

i have set up the dir.movie now so that the small flash animations call a movie script 
once they are finished. this script increases a global var by 1 and once that count 
reaches a certain level, i send dir to another frame which also contains flash 
animations on different sprites (or same sprties - i tried both). 

this works fine for around 6 out of 10 times i run this code. the other times director 
simply does not take it at all and just crashes big time.
the shockwave movie (into which i have to convert the whole thing in the end behaves 
the same way).

an increasingly frustrated nik

ps: initially i wanted to do the animatins with filmloops, but then my art director 
had the idea of adding fade-ins and outs and i could not find a way to send film loops 
to specific frames of their animation (namely the fade-out) when clicked on. maybe 
someone knows how to access/ cotnrol film loops int that way?

> Hi Nik,
> There is a known problem with flash member sprites (and QTVR) where Director
> will (often) crash when it is 'asked' by a flash sprite to navigate to a
> frame which no longer contains the flash sprite. The calling stack gets
> messed up and down she goes ...
> Workaround: have the flash sprite set a flag that director monitors ie.
> flash sets a variable and on the next frame loop director 'sees' this change
> and navigates based on this variable's new value.

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