After much web surfing and FAQ reading I'm still at a loss to understand
even the basic functions of FileXtra3.  I'm not sure why I'm having such a
hard time with this, but I thought I'd see if any of you fine people could
help me.

The features I need to use are "fx_FolderCreate" to make a folder on the
user's hardrive, and "fx_FileCopy" to copy files from the CD into said
folder.  If I can figure out one I can get the other, but the example code
is troubling me. The FileCopy example is:

fxObj = xtra(³FileXtra3²).new()
put fxObj.fx_FileCopy(³Macintosh HD:Annapurna.doc², ³Toad Hall:expedition
-- 1
fxObj = 0

Now as I understand it the first line is to "instantiate" the Xtra (I don't
know what that means and it gives me an error).  The second line tells the
Xtra where and what the file is and where to put it and what to call it.  I
believe that line is fine.  The third line I find completely mind-boggling.
Why is there a commented out 1 there?  The last line clears its memory.

So I'm pretty sure my problem is with the creating the instance of the Xtra.
Do I need to put this line in a different script (global of some kind?)?  Do
I need to change a variable name in there, or put something in the
paranthesis?  Or am I way off here?

Does anyone have a link to a very simple director file that does this kind
of thing, or any example files would be great?

Anyway, any help would be greatly appreciated.



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