Hi, gang...
some of u were nice enough to help me yeterday try to use filextra for
the first time....
i went home and had a play around and was delighted to find i was doing
ok with certain aspectsss..
however, im getting a little stuck on something....

i set my self a little task to help learn some functions.
I thought i would try and get a particular folder using:
then upon that get the directory list using:

i found that i mangaged to get that working exept i was unsure how to
call my line

this is what ive got

gaddress = member("tmpfield").text
  gstate = "fxObj.fx_FolderToList("
  gend = ")"
 fxObj = xtra("FileXtra3").new()
  put fxObj.fx_FolderSelectDialog("Choose a folder:") into field
  -- "C:\My Documents\Music\"
  put fxObj.fx_FolderToList && gstart && gaddress && gend
  fxObj = 0

please can someone help....im a struggling lingo'ist who wants TO LEARN
MORE !!!!!

thanx people


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