The reason why you get the path to the folder and not the contents of it is
because that is what you're instructing Lingo to do. gFolder is a variable
that holds a string to the path to your folder("C:\My Documents", for
example). When you assign that to the text of a member, the path is put
into that text box. What you need to do is save the value of  the
fx_FolderToList() handler in a variable and then put that in a field.
Something like this:
vFilesList = fxObj.fx_FolderToList(gFolder)
member("TextMember).text = string(vFilesList)

But remember that the fx_FolderToList() handler returns a _list_ and not a
string of values. So to display it in a more aesthetic way, you would
probably need to iterate through each item in the list.

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i put this line in after your that my field could HOPEFULLY
display then contents of that folder...
 member ("dirbox").text = gfolder

But what it actually does is to put the folder path in the field....

fxObj = xtra("FileXtra3").new()
gFolder = fxObj.fx_FolderSelectDialog("Choose a folder:")
put fxObj.fx_FolderToList(gFolder)
fxObj = 0



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