At 15:29 +1100 01_02_20, Luke Wigley wrote:
>A barebones version of the script looks like
>property mytimeoutName
>property myCounter
>on new (me)
>   myCounter = 0
>   mytimeoutName = me.string&&"thread"
>   timeout(mytimeoutName).new(100, #mProcessThread, me)
>on mProcessThread (me)
>   if myCounter < 10 then
>     myCounter = myCounter + 1
>     put myCounter
>   else
>     -- finished doing its thing
>     timeout(mytimeoutName).forget()
>   end if

A small detail here, is that timeout_objects actually send their own 
reference when making callbacks to their target, so you don't need to 
store any reference to them, string or directly.

I would also believe that forgetting the timeout_object would remove 
the last reference to, and thus garbage collect the target object.
I noticed that forgetting the timeout_object did not immediately 
lower the refCount of the target object, so the actual destruction of 
the timeout_object is probably deferred to later. However one can 
just force the refCount down, by voiding the 
and then there is doubt about the refCount.

property myCounter

on new (me)
   myCounter = 0
   timeout(me&&"thread").new(100, #mProcessThread, me)

on mProcessThread (me, aTimer)
   myCounter = myCounter + 1
   if myCounter > 9 then = VOID
   end if
   put myCounter

Re. circular ref:
remember that it takes only one object to create a circular 
reference, if the object stores a reference to itself. So if your 
target object is self-referencing, forgetting the timeout_object wont 
destroy the target object.

Regards, Jakob

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