Concerning a jukebox...

You don't need to bother with WinAMP at all - I have built an MP3 jukebox
using Director 8, complete with playlist feature. As it is for a university
project, I'm afraid that I can't really give you any code for it, but there
is a Lingo command "sound playFile <whichchannel>, <filename>". This command
will play a sound specified by <filename> in the sound channel specified in
<whichchannel>. And, yes it will work with MP3s in Director 8. Note,
however, that this command streams an audio file in FROM DISK not from
memory. This does mean that although you do not have to import the file into
your movie, the sound is gonna get weird if you try to access anything else
from hard disk when the sound is playing.

If you still want to run WinAMP, you will need to use the Open command,
specifying both a file to open and an application to open it in, e.g.

open "c:\mp3\tune.mp3" with "c:\program files\winamp\winamp.exe"

Have fun!!

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