i believe you can't preload the linked sound; that's the point, is that
it doesn't need to be stored in ram.
if it's linked, the program is going to the cd to get the sound when
it's needed. however, you have a problem when the program needs anything
else from the cd, because the playback head can only be in 1 physical
location on the cd at a time. 
you may need to preload all bitmaps, everthing you need while the
external sound is playing, so that the cd doesn't need to go elsewhere
to get any other assets.

there are ways of controlling where the files go on the cd, so that
assets that are needed at the same time are physically close to each
other, but i don't know offhand how to manage that...

randomly musing, hoping for some relevance...

Nick Youmans wrote:
> > Have you tried using lingo to preload the linked sound before it's needed?
> > It's probably just stuttering because it can't pull it off of the CD as
> fast
> > as it can from the HD.
> yes, I did. Unfortunately, the same thing happened. Also long as the sound
> is externally linked, I get the stutter. None of the QuickTime videos
> stutter and they have higher data rates. The sound format we use (16-bit
> mono, 22.05 kHz aif) has been our standard for years & this is the 1st time
> we have had a problem with it...
> nick youmans
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R. Bhakti Klein
Multimedia Programmer, Distributed Learning Workshop
Baritone, Wicki6
"On Earth, you can only do little things;
but you can do them with a lot of Love."
                              -- Mother Theresa

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