Thanks to all who contributed--I've found my particular problem. It's kind 
of interesting, and kind of silly at the same time. Another programmer 
wrote the JavaScript, and I couldn't put my dcr up on the server to test it 
until this afternoon (they were about to promote other stuff from the 
staging server).

What I finally found: I had the parameter declared:

<param name = sw1 value = "http://someURL/file1.mp3">


<embed src="mp3player.dcr" sw1 = "http://someURL/file1.mp3" etc.></embed>

After many alert boxes and a lot of head scratching, I used charToNum() to 
get the ASCII values for the parameter name. You guessed it--the second 
declaration, within the <embed> tag, was swl (that's the letter l, not the 
numeral 1).

It's interesting that it worked right on both browsers on Windows, and 
failed on both browsers on the Mac. That means that the browsers on the mac 
are getting the parameters from the embed tag--or at least overriding the 
earlier declaration.

And Giles, I have to admit, you sent me to the dictionary to look up condign!

Kerry Thompson
Learning Network

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