I am using a field to to see if the user has matched a correct answer or 
not. How do i do this in a text member and not in a
field. I want to find out whether the user has clicked on the correct text 
chunk or not.

Below is the code that works fine on the field but since i need antialiased 
text i am having touble fixing it on a text member.


on mixUpLines me, correctLine
  correctAnswer = whatdo
  answerList = []
  repeat with n = 1 to mySp.member.lineCount
    randomNum = (answerList.count+1)
    addAt answerList, randomNum, mySp.member.line[n]
  end repeat

  newText = EMPTY
  repeat with n = 1 to answerList.count
    put answerList[n] after newText
    if n < answerList.count then put RETURN after newText
  end repeat
  mySp.member.text = newText

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