Action desired:
My presentation will have an area that will allow the user to move a slider
button horizontally to reveal across the screen at any given time probably 9
thumbnails of pics out of a 63 pic horizontal lineup. Depending on which way
(right or left) the user moves the slider, the pictures will have
corresponding movement. The center image will additionally be displayed
larger elsewhere on the stage. The user will have the option to download to
harddrive the center image.

How to solve with Lingo?

Sliding images
Here's my best novice stab hoping that somebody may help fill in the gaps.
The slider issue doesn't seem to be trouble as it seems it can be worked out
through the use of a prebuilt behavior. Would it be safe to create all 63
pics in a line, save that as filmloop and then have the slider's position
determine the horizontal position of the filmloop sprites? setting ending
limits on the right and left sides of the filmloop sprites so as to keep it
from jumping off the stage when right or left limits are reached.

Image replacement
It seems that a variable that feeds back the horizontal position of each of
the sprites in this image string (filmloop?) on the stage would need to
constantly have its value checked so as to determine when a given sprite is
in the "key" or center position. When the position is TRUE meaning a sprite
is "centered", larger image is replaced with match of thumbnail.

File Copying
And finally, the image download has an issue. Using FileXtra's fx_FileCopy
seems about the closest I can get to the means of delivery except that with
the dynamic nature of the images, I'm unsure of how to address the current
sprites name for copying purposes.

I have been pouring through LIAN and DIAN to much better understand, but
can't seem to really make the pieces all fit.

I look forward to the line of discussion and appreciate the assistance.

Thomas Dwyer
Graphinity, Inc.

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