>the actual URL is:

Yes, you're right. I tried that and it works--it brings up the file 
download dialog.

I tried something very similar last night--exactly the same url, except I 
asked for the .x32 file. Of course it didn't find that.

>Doesn't help you, but it does clear up the little misconception that you had
>about it only being a place to ask where the heck the package is.

Actually, it does help. Thanks. I think I phrased something wrong, though 
(I was a little frustrated last night :-) I assumed that .../XMlParser/ was 
the url Shockwave went to, and Shockwave knew what to ask for there. Your 
comments above show that to be correct--Shockwave knew, but I didn't.

It was Mare who set me on the right track for a fix, though. The public 
beta has a known bug that prevents it from downloading some Xtras. Not all, 
but some. I assume Macromedia is fixing the bug--after all, I guess this is 
a beta, and that's where the last bugs are cleaned up.

(Yes, we speak with a funny accent here. I sat next to a couple of Brits on 
the ski lift last week, and they claim Canadians do, too, but they were 
enjoying their visit to the colonies anyway.:-p

Kerry Thompson
Learning Network

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