Why not use a case statement here (untested):
global status

on mouseUp
     destination =(the text of member "from" & the text of member "to")
     case destination of
       "dubaisalalah", "salalahbombay", "bombaysalalah":
          status = TRUE
          put status
          go destination
          status = FALSE
          put "error"
      end case


At 4:34 PM +0000 4/18/01, gopinath <office> wrote:
>kindly let me know what's wrong in the following debugging script
>legend:--the "to" and  "from" are text fields
>--there are markers named "dubaisalalah","salalahbombay" and "bombaysalalah"
>what is supposed to happen :the user has to type two destination into the
>two fields
>when she/he clicks a button the the text in the two fields is concatenated,
>to form the marker name and jumps to the appropriate marker,
>      else status is false and "puts"  an error message marker
>what is happening : whether the flag status is true or not the error message
>is put, but if it is TRUE it does jump to the appropriate marker
>on prepareMovie
>   global status
>   status = FALSE
>   put " prepared : " & status
>end prepareMovie
>on mouseup
>   global status
>   destination =(the text of member "from" & the text of member "to")
>   if(destination="dubaisalalah") then
>     status=TRUE
>     put status
>     go to destination
>   end if
>   if(destination="salalahbombay") then
>     status=TRUE
>     put status
>     go to destination
>   end if
>   if(destination="bombaysalalah") then
>     put status
>     status=TRUE
>     put status
>     go to destination
>   else
>     status=FALSE
>   end if
>   if ( status=FALSE) then
>     put "error"   
>   end if
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