> Does anyone know if it's possible with lingo or some Xtra
> (buddy?) to check
> if an  external application is open? (I know how TO open one, it's the
> finding out if it's necessary that I'm not sure about)


You don't say if you know the name of the application you want to know
about, of if you are just going to be "trolling." If you know the app then
things become easier, assuming that you have an Xtra like MasterApp.
MasterApp is perfect for checking which applications are open. it has dozens
of methods for launching, monitoring and controlling external applications.

 Price: $299.00
 Platforms: 32-bit Windows, Win 3.1, Mac
 Director versions supported: Director 4,5,6,7,8
 Author: Glenn Picher

MasterApp is a commercial Xtra sold by UpdateStage. You find out more
information, download an evaluation version or purchase the Xtra here:


I hope that this information is useful.


Al Hospers
Marketing Associate

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