At 12:54 AM -0400 5/1/2001, g r i m m w e r k s wrote:
>I'm so lonely....sigh.
>ANYWHO...caught something I didn't notice before. Importfileinto a swa
>member flips the member to a sound type, so the id3tags don't work now
>anyway....I don't think there's a way to have an imported internal swa sound
>file, although I know that must not be true...hmmm...filename? But then it's

here's how:

1. insert an SWA member (and name it 'placeholder' or something)
2. when you want to play an mp3, set the **URL** of that member to 
the local or remote path
3. check the state of the member, when its >= 2 then preloading has 
finished and you can access the id3 tag info
4. when your movie stops, set the URL of that member to "" (empty string)



     Roy Pardi
Multimedia Developer   +  Lingo Programming Consultant
                                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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