Thanks a bunch.

"the keyBoardFocusSprite", why couldn't I guess that??

re. Al's comments, I alluded to problems when I set the visible of my text 
sprites, or moved them off the stage.  Basically a text sprite in a higher 
channel (ie lower number) with visible and editable set to False prevents a 
visible, editable one in a lower channel from automatically becoming active. 
The behaviour was quite unintuitive, and had me tearing my hair out.  I came 
up with a workaround (hiding my 'invisible' sprites behind interface 
elements - yuk), but I'll certainly recreate the situation, and test "the 


>Oh but there is! It goes by the name of "the keyBoardFocusSprite". Do look
>it up in the Lingo Dictionary.
>- -----------------------------------------------------------
>"Simply stated, it is sagacious to eschew obfuscation."
>- --Norman Augustine
>Date: Mon, 30 Apr 2001 10:29:42 -0400
>From: "Al Hospers" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>Subject: RE: <lingo-l> delurk - text question
> > Setting the editable of _all_ other textmembers present to
> > False is a brute
> > force way of achieving the second, but even then, seems not
> > always to work.
> > I naively assumed there would be a text member property for
> > this - something
> > like textMember.focus - but it seems not...
>actually I use the member(myMember).editable and sprite(mySprite).editable 
>lot & don't see a lot of problems with it. you could create a list of
>editable sprites on the fly when you enter a frame & then broadcast a
>message to only those sprites desired to make them editable or not as
>needed. I have a field tab behavior that uses this technique. there are
>probably several in the Direct-L archives that do this. of course you could
>also use the keyboardFocusSprite too. I've just settled for what I know
>Al Hospers
>CamberSoft, Inc.

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