> Are you all sure that it was Director's problem?  Just in
> general, when two
> sounds are played back to back (or if one cuts off the other one), the
> waveforms have to align very closely for it to transition
> smoothly.  If one
> sound's waveform ends up high, above the midline and the
> other one starts
> low, below the midline, you will always hear an audible click as that
> distance is bridged audibly.

I am absolutely certain that this was not the problem. it was a perfect
loop. FWIW I was an audio engineer in another life & I am quite fluent in
SDII, Sound Forge etc. besides that you will get a click when you turn a
sound's volume to 0 as well!

Al Hospers
CamberSoft, Inc.

A famous linguist once said:
"There is no language wherein a double
positive can form a negative."


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