I'm having trouble with the code below.  The user enters a start date and an end date 
into two editable fields.  I'm concatenating the info into a format nedded for date 
objects so I can subtract the start date from the end date to determine the number of 
days, then divide that by 7 for the number of weeks.  I've added another step (which 
is writing to a field member) in the hopes of being able to loose the quotation marks, 
which I assume or screwwing things up because when I test by using: put theStartDate, 
the message window displays "date(20010502)".  How do I get rid of the quotation marks 
form my variable?

  set gReportPeriodStartDate = "("&gTheYear_RPF&gTheMonth_RPF&gTheDay_RPF&")"
  set gReportPeriodEndDate = "("&gTheYear_RPT&gTheMonth_RPT&gTheDay_RPT&")"
  if gTimeToCalculate then
    set theStartDate = "date"&gReportPeriodStartDate
    set theEndDate = "date"&gReportPeriodEndDate
    set gReportPeriodWeeks = theEndDate - theStartDate
    set gReportPeriodWeeks = gReportPeriodweeks / 7
    put theStartDate into field "startDateTEMP"
    put theEndDate into field "endDateTEMP"
    set theStartDate = the text of field "startDateTEMP"
    set theEndDate = the text of field "endDateTEMP"
    set gReportPeriodWeeks = theEndDate - theStartDate
    put gReportPeriodWeeks into field "RPnumberOfWeeks"
    put gReportPeriodWeeks into field "CPnumberOfWeeks"
    set gTimeToCalculate = FALSE
  end if

Thanx in advance,
g fritzinger

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