At 8:10 AM -0400 6/4/01, Al Hospers wrote:
>>  Someone's got to be really idle to actually take time out to
>>  memorize the
>>  keystrokes of a font like Wingdings.
>but that's what hackers do my friend. what you are describing is a REALLY
>insecure way of protecting a password. I do not sggest it. someone could
>pcopy the keystrokes out of the p/w field, paste it into another & write a
>simple translation handler to decode it.
>I personally prefer to put a single character into the p/w field as you
>type, hiding the real p/w field off stage.

but unless you have a hacker looking over your shoulder (or a younger 
brother.. ;-) the camouflaging of chars in a pw entry field is moot. 
For probably 95% of situations where passwords need to be entered, 
this security convention is not needed.



     Roy Pardi                [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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