Another good way is utilizing the buddyAPI Xtra (
BuddyAPI lets you use two fuctions for free, though once you have it that
might not satisfy you... :-)
The creator of buddyAPI also posts a beta version of a single-task Xtra by
the name of baMsgBoxEx, which extends the functionality of BuddyAPI's
message box. (
BuddyAPI's baMsgBox - function let's you select the buttons to show from a
set of possibilities, whereas baMsgBoxEx allows you to fully customize up to
three buttons and add keyboard shortcuts tu the selection, and more...

With BuddyAPI's baMsgBox you can have alert's ask you "do you really want to
quit?" [yes][no]
baMsgBoxEx, could do the same with alert fonts styling and you could
customize the buttons to :
[Hell Yeah] [No f*** way]

BaMsgBoxEx is free, It's a beta, but I've had no problems with it.

Hope this helps

Pekka Buttler

> -----Original Message-----
> Behalf Of Gene Fritzinger
> Sent: 8. kesakuuta 2001 22:09
> Subject: <lingo-l> Adding YES and NO buttons to an alert message
> Hey List,
> Is it possible to add more than just one (OK) button to a
> standard alert message?  I'd like to replace the OK button with a
> YES and NO button and ideally have to YES button in the hilited
> mode, sp the user can simply hit the Enter key.
> As always, with much respect,
> g fritzinger
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