Hi list,

I have a slight problem when it comes to highlighting multiple words.

The words needed to be highlightd are retrieved from a database 
and comes in one string ie. ' put,the words,here'. I then set this as 
a global, then to be extected into seperate items to be highlighted. 
It seems a long way round the problem but works for single words!

 gSearchWord =  string('put,the words,here)comes in from v12)        

itemCounter = gSearchWord.item.count
repeat with x = 1 to itemCounter   
 set the text of field "SearchWord" & x = gSearchWord.item[x]      
 TheText = member("Info").text
--put each item into seperate fields
  repeat with i = 1 to the number of words in TheText
   if word i of member("Info").text contains string(the text of 
field("SearchWord" & x)) then
    member("Info").word[i].foreColor = 14                         
     member("Info").word[i].fontstyle = [#BOLD
    end if
   end repeat 
end repeat

When the words are highlighted the user can click them and launch a 
glossary MIAW giving more detail of what it means - thats it!
Even though Director sees 'the words' it won't recognise this in the 
final text member to be highlighted. Is this something to do with the 
space between words?
I will be grateful if anyone could shine any light on this or 
re-direct me if there is a simple way to achieve what i want.

Thanks in advance

Past Forward Limited, England, UK

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