
I have a simple Shockwave movie (4 dissolving images in a loop) that plays
well in Internet Explorer, but not in Netscape (I have seen it playing in
Netscape 4, but now I heard that somebody had problems with that too).

The main problem is, that the rest of my site isn't displayed either in
these browsers. Do I need to remove the shockwave in order to let Netscape
users see the rest of the page?

Is there a trick? I had other shockwave movies that didn't play in Netscape
but at least didn't prevent the rest of the site of being displayed. So
could something be wrong with the shockwave file?

I know that Netscape 6 is not working with Shockwave, I am just worried
about Shockwave spoiling the rest of the page. Anybody knows when Netscape 6
and Shockwave will work together?

Any experience? By the way: the URL of the site not working with netscape
is: www.aichberger.de

Feel free to advise me if this question is too off topic for your list!


Michael von Aichberger

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