on keyDown me
member("someText").text = member("someText").text & the key
currentChar = member("someText").char.count
if the commandDown then
member("someText").char[currentChar].size =
member("someText").char[currentChar].size - 2
if the shiftDown then
member("someText").char[currentChar].fontstyle = [#superscript]
member("someText").char[currentChar].fontstyle = [#subscript]
end if
end if
> you could try fonts:
> bookshelf symbol 1 for super, and
> bookshelf symbol 2 for sub....
> that was my solution....they come default with win 9x....(i think)
> At 11:45 AM 06/13/2001 -0700, you wrote:
>> I want the users of one of my Shockwave movies to be able to type text with
>> a mixture of normal characters, subscripts, and superscripts. I'd like them
>> to be able to do that with keyboard commands. For example, I'd like them to
>> be able to type something like the following to input a chemical formula for
>> something like dihydrogen phosphate, H2PO4- (with the 2 and 4 as subscripts,
>> the minus as a superscript, and the letters as normal characters.
>> H Ctrl-2 PO Ctrl-4 Ctrl-Shift-- with the last "-" for a typed hyphen
>> What's the best way of making this happen?
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