The script below is easy enough, and if your strings are short it should 
serve you fine, but if you have many long strings, there may be a more 
efficient soilution that I'm not aware of:

strLC = "this is the string"
strUC = empty
repeat with i = 1 to length(strLC)
    intCurrent = CharToNum(strLC.char[i])
    if intCurrent >= 97 and intCurrent <= 122 then intConverted = 
intCurrent - 32
    else intConverted = intCurrent
   put NumToChar(intConverted) after strUC
end repeat
put strUC


At 11:37 AM 6/20/2001 -0400, you wrote:
>Anyone know of an easy way to convert a string that is lowercase ie "this is
>the string" to uppercase through Lingo ie "THIS IS THE STRING"
>John Horn
>Interactive/Web Developer
>937-866-4013 x.150
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