Dear All

Forgive the off-topic nature of this question but as experienced Lingo
developers we should know a fair amount about Director's technical side as

Basically I've run into a MAJOR problem. From out of nowhere Director 8 will
simply not load. I trigger my shortcut and after a few seconds I get
Director's error message "A fatal error has occured, Director will quit
now". WHY?!?!?!?!?

It's not like I've had any major change to my system since it was working -
the only thing I've done is installed a new VirusScan DAT and installed
Adobe Premiere 6, with the latest QT4 and DirectX bits accordingly. I am
completely confused by this - I've uninstalled and reinstalled D8 -
nothing - uninstalled, rebooted, defragged then reinstalled - no luck - run
virus scan, uninstalled, reinstalled, pulled my hair out - no way.

Anything you guys can suggest? Does D8 have a fit with newer versions of
QuickTime that it can handle (QT4 has been updated since D8 last worked)?

Thanks for your input...

Director 8
Windows 2000 SP1
DirectX 8a with DigitalVIdeo fix
QuickTime 4.1.2

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