I am having a small problem with the volume of 2 QT movies within the dir
movie. The volume is not as loud as my other voice overs, so I have been
trying to increase the volume using lingo. No luck so far, here is the
script I'm using for the volume:
on StartMovie
sprite(7).volume = 256
and here is the frame script for playing the QTmovie
on ExitFrame
if the movieRate of sprite 1 = TRUE then
go to the frame
go to "introScotty"
end if
end ExitFrame
I'm not exactly sure where I need to place the volume script....should it be
a frame script or attached as a behavior to the cast member. I have tried
to do both and this causes director to skip right through the movies and go
to the next marker. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
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