As usual, ImportFileInto works great in author mode (D8), but not from my
projector at runtime. Here's the meaningful end of the code I'm using:

importFileInto member ("/Prefs/bhen"), the applicationPath

(at this point I just copy over the text from the dummy cast member,
"/Prefs/bhen", to another member.)

So what's up?  If ImportFileInto isn't designed to work at runtime, what can
a Lino jockey use?

I've verified the applicationpath is valid, that the Prefs folder does
exist, and that a text filed titled "bhen.txt" also exists in the prefs
folder.  I'm beginning to think that ImportFileInto doesn't work at runtime.
Yes?  It's a beautiful thing in authormode, but then so is the earth and all
its inhabitants.  It's that nutsy projector mode that makes the gods angry.

John Hart, Editor
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