First, thanks to Tab, et al for the quick response and great help.
Second, I did change the "/" to "\" and it did help. Using an alert box, I
can now see that the file "bhen.txt" did get into a cast member of
"healthArchive" at runtime, but for some reason it won't stay there. (And
yes, I have the "bhen.txt" file in two places for authoring and runtime.)
I'm using save castlib("healthArchive") the application path, as the last
line before the handler ends, but it doesn't seem to take at runtime.
My question therefore is this: is save castlib necessary at runtime to
permanently hold the new member or not? If not, what mistake am I making?
When I close the projector and reopen it, the member is empty and the name I
gave it is gone.
TIA, to all...
John Hart, Editor
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