At 12:22 -0700 2001_07_11, John Hart wrote:
>First, thanks to Tab, et al for the quick response and great help.
>Second, I did change the "/" to "\" and it did help. Using an alert box, I
>can now see that the file "bhen.txt" did get into a cast member of
>"healthArchive" at runtime, but for some reason it won't stay there. (And
>yes, I have the "bhen.txt" file in two places for authoring and runtime.)
>I'm using save castlib("healthArchive") the application path, as the last
>line before the handler ends, but it doesn't seem to take at runtime.
>My question therefore is this: is save castlib necessary at runtime to
>permanently hold the new member or not?  If not, what mistake am I making?
>When I close the projector and reopen it, the member is empty and the name I
>gave it is gone.

Are you testing in Author or Runtime?
Is the movie embedded in a projector?
Are nonwritable media involved?
Have you tried saving the movie itself also?


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