If your STOP button sets whereto = "Go Loop", you could just move 
this line to the top of the case statement.

Basically, since you want your STOP button's condition to rule, it 
needs to be the first condition of your case statement.

- I added a new case "I Stopped" that will keep you on the same frame.

Of course, your stop button would need to set the whereto variable = 
"I Stopped".

I expect that your other buttons probably already set this variable 
to the other case conditions.



At 3:39 PM -0500 7/23/01, Craig Wehr wrote:
>I have a small problem & I hoped someone out there can help.
>I have an audio player with multiple tracks, that when the song is done
>playing, it automatically goes to the next frame with the new track. (See
>code below)
>The problem is, is that when the song is done, it releases the exitFrame
>loop & moves on.
>But when you click the "stop" button, it also sends the playback head
>forward also.
>I need to stop the latter & force it to stay where it's at until play,
>rewind, or ff is clicked.
>I'm probably making this harder than it really is.
>Let me know if you can help.
>thanks in advance
>property soundchannel,whereto
>------ Get Behavior Description List ------
>on getPropertyDescriptionList me
>   set description = []
>   if the currentspritenum <> 0 then exit
>   addProp description, #soundchannel, [#comment "Wait for Which Channel ?",
>#format#Integer, #range[#min1,#Max8],#default1]
>   addProp description, #whereto, [#comment "What to do after sound finishes
>Playing ?", #format#marker, #default"#next"] 
>   return description
>end getPropertyDescriptionList
>------ Get Behavior Description List ------
>-- Get Behavior description --
>on getBehaviorDescription
>   return "This Behavior waits on a frame till the sound in the specified
>finishes Playing. " & RETURN & RETURN & "Parameters" & RETURN & "* Sound
>Channel" & RETURN &  "* What to do after sound gets over"
>-- Get Behavior description --
>-- Events --
>on ExitFrame me
>   if soundbusy(soundchannel) then
>     go the frame
>   else
>     case whereto of
>       "Go Next Frame" go the frame + 1
>       "Go Next Marker" go Next
>       "Go Previous marker" go previous
>       "Start Over" go marker(01)
>       "Go Loop" go loop
>       "Exit"quit
>     end case
>   end if
>end ExitFrame
>------ Events ------
>------ Can be attached to only Script Channel ------
>on isOKToAttach (me, aSpriteType, aSpriteNum)
>   case aSpriteType of
>     #script
>       return true
>   end case
>end isOKToAttach
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